
Simple Video Player vb6

Make a form and use ctrl+T for adding component, check windows media player, Microsoft Common Dialog control 6 and apply
on the form make  5 button, change caption
1. Buka File
2. Pause
4. Stop
5. Tutup
and make 1 window media player, rename it with wmp
and 1 commonDialog rename it with cmd.
on form window click windows media player, on properties uimode change to None.

then double click form and paste this code

Private Sub Command1_Click()
wmp.URL = cmd.FileName
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
End Sub
if you need filter file just click on common dialog icon then on properties put on filter input for example avi file and mp3 file, put this code AVI File(*.avi)|*.avi|MP3 File(*.mp3)|*.mp3

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